KidVentures Therapy Services

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Therapy Services

5524 Bee Caves Road
Building L
Austin, Texas 78746
tel 512.327.4499
fax 512.327.4495

Camps & Groups

Pragmatics / Social Skills Group


Consists of a group of 4-6 children who need extra help with social skills, peer interactions, self-regulation, and pragmatics. Pragmatics is the functional use of language in everyday social situations/contexts. Some children can describe pictures and make sentences with appropriate grammar and content, but have difficulty using language appropriately and naturally in social situations. Children may also have difficulty understanding social cues, initiating and maintaining play interactions and/or conversations, and understanding appropriate versus inappropriate ways to interact in social situations with peers and adults.


This group helps to give children the tools to communicate effectively in a variety of social situations (positive and negative) that arise in our everyday life through modeling, facilitation, and group practice of specific skills so that they can build confidence and positive peer relationships. The children and families are provided with ideas for home practice to help generalize skills learned during group. Some children are not ready for a larger group setting and therefore begin in a social skills dyad (group of 2) before becoming a member of the larger group.

Led By

Led by a Speech-Language Pathologist and/or an Occupational Therapist


We currently have groups for children ages 3-18. Please call KidVentures for information on availability for each of these groups.


Please contact KidVentures for information regarding cost.

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Food School


KidVentures Therapy Services is proud to introduce a new feeding program called “Food School”. Our feeding team, comprised of occupational therapists Angela Balmer, Erin Fisher and Nicole Obar, is working hard to evaluate and treat children that are picky or problem eaters using the S.O.S. Approach to Feeding. This program has been developed over the course of 20 years through the clinical work of Dr. Kay Toomey. Our Food School Program integrates postural, oral motor, behavioral/learning, sensory and nutritional factors and approaches in order to comprehensively evaluate and manage children with feeding challenges. The general goals of our program are:

1. To learn to have positive experiences with food
2. To learn about mealtime routines
3. To decrease resistance to touching, tasting, and swallowing food
4. To increase the range of foods a child will try
5. To increase the volume of food ingested

For more information, please call us at 512-327-4499.

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Bike Riding Group


This class is designed for a group of 4-6 children who need a little extra help learning to ride their bike. Members do not need to be KidVentures clients. Many children who attend bike group resist coming to the first session or are nervous about attending the group. This is perfectly normal, so please don’t let fearfulness about bike riding deter you from signing up your child. We provide a VERY safe and secure environment and approach to bike riding and your child will go at a comfortable pace. The most important part of bike group is that your child feels safe and has FUN!

Led By

Jen Thomas and KidVentures Staff

What to Bring

Children are required to bring a bicycle without training wheels, a helmet, and a water bottle. Please adjust the seat height on the bicycle so that your child’s feet touch the ground with ease.

**If you are planning on buying a new bike for your child prior to this class, we suggest buying a cheaper one (from somewhere like Target) to learn on. It is better to get a bike a little on the smaller side, where at the lowest setting your child can sit comfortably on the bike and have both feet flat on the ground. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions.


Call to inquire


$325. Payment for the class series is required upon registration in order to hold your spot. This group is not reimbursable by insurance.

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Bike Skills Classes


kids ages 5 years and older


Individual one-on-one sessions for kids who want to learn to ride their bikes or need extra help with advanced bike skills

Led By

Jennifer Thomas, MS, OTR or Angie Balmer, OTR

What to Bring

• Helmet
• Water bottle
• Bike without training wheels
• Please adjust seat so that child’s feet can touch the ground with ease

**If you are planning on buying a new bike for your child prior to this class, we suggest buying a cheaper one (from somewhere like Target) to learn on. It is better to get a bike a little on the smaller side, where at the lowest setting your child can sit comfortably on the bike and have both feet flat on the ground. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions.

We encourage you to drop your child off and return 10 minutes before the end of the session to see what he/she has learned that day and can practice at home for the week. You are also welcome to wait in the KidVentures waiting room.


TBD according to child and therapist schedules
Call to inquire


75$ for each 30min one-on-one session

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